eating disorder

Eating Disorders & How They Affect Your Mind. 

Eating Disorders & How They Affect Your Mind. 

Suppose you’ve been curious about what goes on behind the scenes during an eating disorder. Learn more about its effects on your mental health.


What is Eating Disorder?


An eating disorder is a psychological condition in which people have an intense fear of food or weight gain. They may also engage in extreme dieting and exercise routines to maintain weight or shape.

 eating disorder

Eating disorders can devastate your mental health, and they’re considered one of the top 10 global causes of death. In fact, up to 30% of women who suffer from an eating disorder will eventually die.


Eating disorders often start with abnormalities in how people perceive their bodies. People with an eating disorder often feel it trapped inside their skin, and they become obsessed with losing weight or controlling their food intake to the point where it becomes a problem for them and those around them.


Signs of Eating Orders 


If you’re concerned that someone you know may have an eating disorder, there are a few signs that you should watch for.


  1. They have a lot of weight or body fat that they don’t seem to be able to lose, no matter how much they exercise or what diet they follow.
  2. They constantly criticize their body or feel like they need to be “perfect” to be like everyone else. 
  3. They become highly preoccupied with food and calories, and their thoughts tend to focus on negative aspects of food (like the calories it contains). 
  4. They have extreme mood swings, often experiencing intense happiness one moment and intense sadness the next. 
  5. They Avoid Eye Contact, talk in a low voice, or stay quiet when around food or nutrition topics.


Types of Eating Disorders


There are various types of eating disorders, but all of them involve an abnormal and unhealthy pattern of food intake.


  1. Anorexia nervosa is the most common eating disorder, and it involves a persistent and unreasonable fear or hatred of weight or body size. An anorexic person typically restricts their food intake to tiny amounts, often to the point where they become dangerously thin. They may also exercise excessively or purge their bodies with laxatives or vomiting.


2. Bulimia nervosa is another common type of eating disorder. It involves recurrent episodes of binge eating (eating large amounts of food in a short period) followed by extreme measures to purge the stomach’s food (e.g., throwing up, fasting). People with bulimia nervosa may also maintain unrealistic body images and engage in other compulsive behaviors like intense exercise or self-starvation.


3. Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is another type of eating disorder affecting up to 5% of women in the United States. BED is defined as recurrent episodes involving binge eating that result in 210 grams (about 7 ounces) or more over two consecutive days for men or 140 grams (about 5 ounces) over three successive days for women. 


Impact of Eating Disorders


Eating disorders can have a severe impact on both your physical and mental health.


Physical symptoms of an eating disorder can include weight loss, an increase or decrease in muscle mass, high blood pressure, and abnormal menstrual cycles. Additionally, people with an eating disorder may experience extreme anxiety and mood swings. These symptoms can lead to problems such as depression and social isolation.

mental health

Mental symptoms of an eating disorder can include distorted body image, obsessive thoughts about food or calories, feelings of guilt or shame around food, and suicidal thoughts. People with an eating disorder may struggle to concentrate, remember information, and make decisions. In extreme cases, people with an eating disorder may even suffer from hallucinations or delusions related to their weight or food intake.




Eating disorders are severe mental health issues that can significantly impact your life. Unhealthy attitudes and thoughts about food cause and can cause severe physical and emotional problems.


If you or someone you know suffers from an eating disorder, getting help is essential. There are many resources available online and in person, and there are people who will be able to help you through this difficult time. If you want help, remember that it’s never too late to recover.


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